Invest in Good

Equity and Inclusion PrincipLE

Inclusion Unlocks Potential

Roark believes our best decision-making, which drives our best results, has come from a respectful environment that welcomes thinking from a variety of backgrounds, education, perspectives, and experiences. We are committed to having a firm and a team that builds even further on this authentic collaboration.

Our portfolio of beloved brands serves a diverse world; so by attracting, developing, and promoting a wider pool of talent, we can drive the most value for all of our stakeholders. We strive to advance diversity, in its many forms, and have made this a strategic priority for our business.

We are also very committed to nurturing an equitable and inclusive culture that enables us to truly leverage the vast experiences and thinking of one another to realize our team’s full potential. This allows us to learn quickly, continuously improve and never settle for ‘good enough.’